ZTEX Construction is a heavy civil contractor specializing in earthwork, asphalt paving, and overall project management. ZTEX is constantly evolving to adjust under any circumstances and any project scenarios. Nothing is impossible.
Site Work
Site PreparationEarthworkPavingSoil StabilizationMass ExcavationRoad ConstructionCurb and SidewalkErosion Control
Storm DrainageWater Line InstallationSanitary Sewer
ZTEX utilizes the latest in GPS technology and continues to strive to meet the ever growing demands of our industry. For example, utilizing Topcon’s 3D-MC2 Dozer GPS system allows a single ZTEX dozer to do the work of two GPS equipped dozers at speeds and smoothness comparable to a motorgrader.
ZTEX has a fleet of approximately 100 pieces of heavy equipment (scrapers, dozers, motor graders, etc) along with its other vehicles. Additionally, ZTEX maintains a crew of qualified mechanics on hand to maintain the fleet.
With our impressive and capable fleet, we are poised to tackle any job our clients require. What’s more, owning our equipment means quicker equipment acquisition time, lower production costs, along with safer and more efficient operation. Consequently, we are able to save our clients time and money.